Partner Sessions at the NCS2023 — interesting initiatives from across the Nordics
On the second day of the Nordic Circular Summit 2023, on the 18th of October, we are treated to 20 digital sessions broadcast from around the Nordics (and beyond) by our Partners. Showcasing innovations, projects, initiatives and inspiring examples, these sessions prove the scope and variety of circular economy. Remember to tune in, the sessions are free and available online.
Welcome to the Nordic Circular Summit 2023. The Partner Sessions will take place digitally during the second day of the event, 18th October.
Nordic Circular Summit Partner Sessions
Wednesday, 18th of October 09:00-16:00 GMT — online
10:00–12:00 GMT, Parallel Partner Sessions
Netherlands Embassies in the Nordics: A Circular Future for Urban Areas
Nordic Innovation & VC Challenge: Circularity due diligence: Integrating circular economy risks in investment Due Diligence
Umhverfisstofnun, Environment Agency of Iceland: Cross-Pollination of ideas: how public agencies can foster creative collaboration
Green Building Council Iceland: Future of Circular Economy in Construction: Exploring the Need for Innovation
Re:Source: session title coming soon
11:30–12:45 GMT, Parallel Partner Sessions
Lund University: Insights from Nordic research on the Circular Economy
Stretch Beyond & RISE: Engage and convert existing companies into circular business models with Business Intelligence
Empirica & RISE: Data insights & circularity
13:15–14:30 GMT, Parallel Partner Sessions
Regeneration 2030: Can the circular economy solve the climate crisis?
Re:Source: How to unlock the value of existing space and materials in buildings
Circular Finance Transition Group by NCH & RISE: Launch event Nordic Roadmap for Circular Financing
VFB: PaaS in Practice – introduction to a research project based on Whitegoods-as-a-Service
Lifestyle & Design Cluster: Design for creating resilient and long-lasting value
14:45–16:00 GMT, Parallel Partner Sessions
Mixi & Kraft Nord: Rethinking Tomorrow's Entrepreneurship
Hringrásarsetur Íslands: Circularity & Community
Transition Groups by NCH: Advancing the Circular Transition in the Nordics Through Transition Groups