Welcome to the monthly Nordic Circular Hotspot Partner Meeting
Date and time: 25th October, 10:00–11:30 CEST, online
Every month, we invite NCH Partners to connect, discuss and work together at our Partner Meetings. In October, the meeting will focus on the most promising circular practices currently used in the Nordics. Welcome!
10:00 Updates from and about Nordic Circular Hotspot
10:10 Presentation round
10:40 What is happening in the Nordic region in connection to the circular economy
10:50 Discussion: What are the most promising circular practices currently in the Nordic that should be shared?
11:20 Other topics
11:25 Actions from the meeting
For inquiries or if you would like to become a Partner, please contact NCH Partnership Programme Coordinator, Kirsti Svenning, at kirsti@naturalstate.no.
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